IT Consultancy

Strategic IT consultancy services optimize efficiency, productivity, and technology infrastructure for businesses.

Cyber Security

Comprehensive cybersecurity solutions protect businesses from threats, utilizing advanced tools and methodologies.

Business Solutions

Customize business solutions for efficiency, growth, and customer experience.

BPO Services

BPO services improve efficiency, reduce costs, and drive operational excellence by handling non-core processes.

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15 years of experience

We Help IT Companies Scale Engineering Capacity

At Pegasus Solves, we are passionate about leveraging technology to empower businesses and drive their success in the digital age. With a team of industry experts and a proven track record of delivering exceptional results, we are your trusted partner for comprehensive IT solutions and consultancy.

Our Mission?

Our mission is to provide innovative and reliable technology solutions that help businesses thrive and stay ahead of the competition. We strive to understand the unique challenges and goals of each client and develop tailored strategies to meet their specific needs. By combining our deep industry knowledge, technical expertise, and client-centric approach, we aim to be the catalyst for our clients' growth and success.

Our Expertise?

With years of experience in the technology industry, we have developed a diverse range of expertise that allows us to address the complex needs of businesses across various sectors. Our team comprises skilled professionals who specialize in IT consultancy, cyber security, business solutions, BPO services, and ISMS (ISO 27001) and TISAX implementation consultancy and audit. We stay at the forefront of technological advancements, continuously updating our skills and knowledge to provide cutting-edge solutions that drive innovation and deliver tangible results.

Client-Centric Approach?

At Pegasus Solves, we firmly believe in building strong, long-lasting relationships with our clients. We understand that every business is unique, and that's why we take the time to listen and understand your specific challenges and goals. Our client-centric approach means that we always put your needs first, providing personalized attention and tailored solutions that address your specific requirements. We strive to exceed your expectations with every project, delivering high-quality services that add value to your business.

Why Choose Us

We Provide Outsourced IT Services
For your business


24/7 Customer support

Our 24/7 customer support specialists offer reliable assistance for technical issues, product information, and services, ensuring satisfaction and peace of mind 24/7. They are available to call or message, ensuring prompt resolution to any queries.

Helpline +94 117 140 734

Smart solutions

We understand that every business is unique. That's why we take the time to understand your specific requirements and develop tailored solutions that address your challenges and goals.

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What we do

IT Consultancy

Stay ahead of the curve with our strategic IT consultancy services. Our experienced consultants work closely with your team to understand your business objectives and design tailored IT strategies to drive efficiency, enhance productivity, and optimize your technology infrastructure. From system analysis to implementation, we provide end-to-end IT consultancy solutions that align with your unique business needs.

  • ISMS (information Security Management System) Implementation
  • Information Security Audits
  • Strategic IT Consultancy
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Cyber Security

Protect your business from cyber threats with our comprehensive cyber security solutions. Our team of certified experts leverages the latest security tools and methodologies to identify vulnerabilities, detect intrusions, and mitigate risks. We offer proactive monitoring, incident response, security assessments, and employee training to ensure your business stays resilient against evolving threats in the digital landscape.

  • Endpoint Security Solutions
  • Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing
  • Software Development
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Business Solutions

Streamline your operations and accelerate growth with our customized business solutions. Whether you're looking to optimize processes, enhance customer experience, or leverage data-driven insights, our team collaborates with you to develop innovative solutions that drive tangible results. From software development to enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation, we deliver scalable and efficient solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • Innovative Solutions
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Works About

Trusted by 500+
Happy Customers

Our top priority is customer satisfaction, delivering exceptional solutions and services that exceed expectations. We build long-lasting relationships by understanding unique needs and providing personalized support, demonstrating our commitment to quality, reliability, and value.

  • 100% Client Satisfaction
  • World Class Worker
Completed Projects
Completed Projects


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